Proin Sodales Quam

This time you stop yourself. You don’t want your inquiry to be met by a patronizing sigh of impatience or another explanation about ship dates, Agile cycles, and continuous delivery. Better for now to hide your ignorance. Heading H3 We are County Council Trading Standards Approved as part of the Buy With Confidence scheme and… Czytaj dalej Proin Sodales Quam

Blog Video Post

Salespeople stomp around your office, sighing like theater students, telling you how embarrassed they are by the site. Nothing works right on mobile. Orders are cutting off halfway. People are logged out with no warning. Something must be done. Heading H3 We are County Council Trading Standards Approved as part of the Buy With Confidence… Czytaj dalej Blog Video Post

3D scanning makes choosing lingerie easier, says Hong Kong store

A high-end lingerie shop in Hong Kong is promising clients a whole new shopping experience thanks to its 3D-assisted made-to-measure service. A 3D scanning mirror at Rigby and Peller’s takes accurate measurements of a client’s bust in less than a minute, supplementing the tape measurements taken by the lingerie stylist, who can then recommend the… Czytaj dalej 3D scanning makes choosing lingerie easier, says Hong Kong store

Fashion and technology merge to improve consumer experience With the Internet revolutionising the way we shop, customers are increasingly avoiding dressing rooms, opting instead for the comfort of online shopping that usually offers liberal return policies. In a bid to entice customers back, some shops have been testing various amenities including so-called intelligent dressing rooms that allow users to “try on” different… Czytaj dalej Fashion and technology merge to improve consumer experience

Standard Blog Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis eros lobortis, vestibulum turpis ac, pulvinar odio. Praesent vulputate a elit ac mollis. In sit amet ipsum turpis. Pellentesque venenatis, libero vel euismod lobortis, mi metus luctus augue, eget dapibus elit nisi eu massa. Phasellus sollicitudin nisl posuere nibh ultricies, et fringilla dui gravida. Donec… Czytaj dalej Standard Blog Post